blue lobster in community tank

06 Prosinec 20

For the purpose of this article, I will refer to them as blue lobster. A Red Lobster in Ohio recently was treated to a surprise when they discovered a super-rare BLUE lobster in their tank. All help appreciated! Blue Lobster/Crayfish in Community Tank. When considering an aquarium crayfish species tank, start with a tank at least 20 gallons (long) in size. The fish that are definitely going in there are one Gold Gourami and two Bolivian Rams, and I am also currently considering purchasing a Green Dragon Bristlenose. I would like to have a blue lobster in a twenty gallon heavily planted tank. These bright blue Florida crayfish like to roam a good bit, so give them a tank that is big enough to do so. Many cichlids grow to be fairly large fish, so keep that in mind when planning your tank. Maybe the best way to keep aquarium crayfish is to set up a one-of-a-kind species tank. I want to start a community aquarium with a blue lobster/crayfish (I have heard them called both). Shrimp can become stressed by boisterous or fast-swimming fish, so stick to gentle species like tetras, rasboras, livebearers, and other similar fish. Like its name suggest, the Blue lobster is blue in color and shades of blue vary from bright electric blue to … Here are the top 10 cichlid species for a community tank: I'm looking for something else to round out the tank. Blue Lobster/Crayfish in Community Tank. Yes, smaller tanks can work okay, but I’ve seen from my experience that a 20-gallon tank is probably the best option. Thx :) ! Hello everyone, over the last 6 months or so I've been trying to find as much info as I could about Blue Lobsters (Cherax quadricarinatus) as I bought my tank with the intention of buying one. A 15 gallon tank is too small to keep even one crayfish. Another good rule to follow with choosing tank mates for freshwater shrimp is that peaceful, community fish are generally best. Keep Them in a Big Enough Tank. Aquarium Crayfish Need A Tank With Size. A. I'd like to plan it around a larger, brightly colored crayfish. 2,846 2.8K. I have a 16 gallon tank that I'm about to stock with fish. I want one, but not if it will kill my other fish. She now resides in the Akron Zoo. Also, should the inch per gallon rule apply to inverts? Blue Lobster in a Community Tank. The only problem is that if I get one, is it ethical to remove their thumbs? The blue lobster that is found in aquarium hobby is actually not a true lobster, but rather a blue color crayfish. When it comes to choosing fish for a community tank, you need to think as much about the size of your tank as the fish you plan to keep in it. Tankmates for a Blue Lobster (crayfish) Hey I'm planning a 50 gallon freshwater tank, I'm very open to suggestions over the stocking. But thanks to a sharp-eyed employee, the blue lobster … I’d suggest nothing smaller than a 20-gallon aquarium. By Ryan, 6 years ago on Tropical Fish. A rare blue lobster made its way to a Red Lobster restaurant in Ohio recently, and nearly landed on a customer’s dinner plate. I've kept goldfish in the past (as a child) in a bigger tank, but we never did any testing of the water so most of this technical stuff is new to me. This is the site I plan on buying the crayfish from : http /www.directtro...products_id=169 Crayfish need more space and water than that. I've considered a school of Zebra or Giant Danios, but something on Live Aquaria caught my eye today - a Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster. While browsing the other day for fish I came across a Blue Lobster.

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