fun ways to end a presentation

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The 3 Most Powerful Ways to End a Presentation Home / Blog / Event Management Articles / The 3 Most Powerful Ways to End a Presentation Whether you are presenting to your colleagues, or speaking at a large event—the way you end your presentation is a critical factor in the success of the message you have just delivered. You should bring them back around to the core of your speech. And vice-versa, not using any sales techniques during a business speech may not be effective for trying to promote your services. So, how much thought are you giving to your closing statement now? You could even take out a piece of paper with a pen, and write a list of possible endings to use. 12. Â. 6. Then, end your speech with the rest of that same story. Create Competitions 9. The tone of your presentation even can be important when you are deciding what to wear. This is one of the more common methods that I see recommended to the beginners when it comes to ending a speech. How exactly should you conclude a presentation or speech? The conclusion of your speech is your last chance to hammer home the importance of your message. Here is how you can insert a countdown timer in PowerPoint. You can tailor the rule of three ideology to fit your own specific needs, but the principle remains the same. It's a great way to round off your message, whilst simultaneously summing up the entire speech and creating a feeling of familiarity for the audience. We're talking about a punchy ending, akin to a tagline—something well-thought out and powerful that's likely to be remembered. Make sure that you have planned a clear ending before you take this approach. And when I am done, you will be able to confidently give an ending to any presentation. Plan out a solid question related to your topic that will make your audience members think more in-depth about it. "Did you know," he said, "that there are more billion-dollar cap companies outside North America than in it for the first time ever? Either way, when you reach the end the winner gets a fun confetti surprise. Another useful technique for how to end a presentation is to use the title of your presentation as the closing words. Did you use a specific hook during your opening? How do I write a witty closing remark? Right away, I asked if one of his goals for the presentation is to be fun. You could end up still working into your 70’s without the ability to fully retire. Does it accurately condense what your core message is about? That is why it might be a good idea to show an image to your audience that relates to your point when you are giving your closing. Or do you have a self-written quote you wish to share? Use the title close technique. People love quotes, and they provide a satisfying ending. Make it memorable and powerful. Your call to action could be telling your audience how they should get involved with charity at a local level. Even crafting PowerPoint Presentations have dos and don’ts. But when you think about it, this is a practice that really works. That’s the part that animals have. There are times when it's appropriate to thank people publicly for helping you prepare a dazzling presentation at an important event. Check out these 10 effective ways to make fun presentations that are not only enjoyable, but informative as well. a fun way to end your safety training with a bang! The image becomes a visual metaphor that makes the message stick. Here are a few examples of how speakers do it. I am surprised by the number of students I have taught who will walk off stage before making a clear ending. A touch of humility. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'speakandconquer_com-leader-2','ezslot_7',132,'0','0']));Many students are baffled when I tell them to end their presentation by going back to the beginning. You may also use some lesser-known ways like giving visual imagery or asking them a question. #5 Don’t End With a Question and Answer Session, #10 Ask Your Audience a Compelling Question, #13 No Matter What, Offer a Clear Sign You’ve Ended. You even raised your hand and asked that burning question that was in the back of your mind all throughout the first part of the speech. Then, find a way to tell them to take that action. A surprising fact. Closing a presentation with a look back at the opening message is a popular technique. "  Dianna Cohen, co-founder of the Plastic Pollution Coalition, ends her talk on plastic pollution with a three-pronged declaration: In using alternatives to single-use plastics, Cohen says, "We can save our oceans, save our planets, save ourselves." He gave me a puzzled look and said “Haaa!” Most people don’t set any goal for their presentations. eval(ez_write_tag([[320,100],'speakandconquer_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',152,'0','0']));What are some powerful ways how to end a presentation? This can be literally anything from little trivial things like “Drink enough water during the presentation so your brain stays intact!” – which will lighten up the mood – to more serious calls like “Help reducing waste by recycling whenever possible!”. If possible, do it with a co-worker, trusted friend, or mentor. Relevant and influential data are what you need when choosing the right content for your pitch. In the final moments of his talk on ways to usefully lose control of your brand, he displays a photo of the Mona Lisa and says, "A smile is a door that is half open and half closed ... companies can give employees and customers more control or less. Choose your own adventure. It can also be a reaffirmation of your presentation title or the title of the conference at which you're speaking. Are you giving a persuasive speech on behalf of your business with the hopes of gaining more clients? Neon colors will give your presentation enough color kick to keep the viewer’s attention. Three-word slogans or using the same memorable word three times can also both work. 5. "It's by images, pictures, videos that we understand the universe." And what have you learned about the tone of your speeches? This deck shows 19 different ideas to give your presentation the right conclusio… Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Maybe you would rather use a joke instead of a story or quote to end your presentation. Don’t fidget with things, shuffle your note cards, move about awkwardly, or randomly leave the stage. A good introduction gets the audience interested in the rest of your presentation. How you finish your presentations or training matters way more than how you start, I use to think otherwise, but now, after 50 years or so in front of hundreds of audiences, I’m positive your finale matters most. or "What is personal in this digital era? How do I effectively start a presentation? A return to your opening. Start Here; Courses; ... you need to make your presentation fun and enjoyable, ... demanding that you respect his “authoritah,” is a nice way to have a bit of fun and lighten things up. An unusual quote. In speaking about how innovation happens, Johnson ends with, "Chance favors the connected mind.". "Make clarity, transparency and simplicity a national priority.". Ending With a Story If you want to try something new to end your speech, then try ending it with a short story or an anecdote that concludes all the main points of your speech. 8. They can worry about how openness is good for them and what needs to stay closed, or they can simply smile and remain open to all possibilities." Instead, you may just end up baffling your audience. 2. After all, the last things your audience hears from you may make the biggest lasting impression. 12. Wrap it up. Do you know of a good quote by a trusted source that would help drive your point home? If this is the future you want for yourself and your family, stop by one of our local branches today to talk about opening a retirement account.”. A sound bite. Your presentation doesn’t end with questions and answers. 2 Organize the material in a clear and logical manner. For example, you can say something like, “Retirement accounts can provide three things for your future: financial stability, peace of mind, and something to fall back on during hard times”. 10. You can do this in a way that adds pizzazz to your conclusion by using the PowerPoint's Credits feature. It is the last chance you have to help your audience remember your comments. For example, "Can we afford to bail out the banks? It's the additional cherry on the sundae. Nothing. One of the major keys to presentation success is making sure that your talk is memorable. Curation is necessary when crafting a pitch. One of the best ways to reinforce new information is to give people the opportunity to use that information in some way. Hi! You can't go wrong with a book-end closure. ", 5. 3. 14 great tips, Best Portable Speakers For The Presentations, Best rresenter remotes for public speakers, Best Portable Thumb Drives And Hard Drives for the Presentations, Best Laptop Backpacks for Public Speakers. If you're delivering a time-sensitive message, where you want to urge your listeners to move quickly, you can have a background slide with a running clock to add pizzazz to your last statement. If you have any other tips that you would like to share, feel free to leave them in the comment section below! If you’ve attended a lot of public speaking events, chances are that you have heard someone use the rule of three before. Ask yourself what kind of image relates to the purpose of your talk, and might also be a good thing for your audience to see before they walk out the door? The rule of three is one of the most memorable patterns. Technique #2: (Very) Short Story or Anecdote. But after that is done, end the question and answer period to give a proper ending. It makes you go off track, and after all those questions? eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'speakandconquer_com-box-3','ezslot_9',122,'0','0']));In my experience, a lot of my public speaking students give much more attention to how they start their speech rather than how to end it. They don’t ask questions. One common way is to summarize your key points. The minute you ask a question, listeners are generally drawn to ponder an answer. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'speakandconquer_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',136,'0','0']));After all, this is the thing you want your audience to remember most about your presentation. And with the right tools, almost anyone can give a great presentation. Then, try to list various appropriate endings that you think you might be able to use for your presentation. If there is a tagline that you consistently use, you should consider using it as an ending for your speech. Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations. You don’t want your audience still sitting in their chairs long after you’ve finished, uncertain of whether you are done or not. My name is Janek Tuttar, and I am the founder and author of Speak and Conquer website. Check out my article about how to give a speech without crying. You can use the same tactic to add richness to your presentation as you wrap up. This can be a wrap-up of a story you started or an answer to a question you posed. To access fresh quotes, consider searching current personalities rather than historical figures. Then, tell them the action you want them to take, and what positive outcome they may have. If you want to keep your audience coming back to see future presentations of yours, you have to give a clear and satisfying ending. But make sure that your quote is appropriate for the tone and message of your speech. Consider Steve Jobs' famous last line at his commencement address at Stanford University: "Stay hungry, stay foolish." How to End Your Presentation in a Powerful Way? If you use a worn-out quote, consider adding a twist to it, as Heather Fleming, CEO of Catapult Design, does in her talk on designing change. The rule of three. A good presentation leaves you wanting more. It almost goes without saying that you should not choose a joke that is sexually inappropriate, or culturally offensive to anyone. From there, you can make a proper decision. A negative question from an audience member can also leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth if it is the last thing they hear before they exit. Have you coined a well-known saying in the business world or on social media? And that is why I am going to give you an extra tip in addition to the 13 that I have given you above. There are a few ways to approach this technique: Set up a question at the beginning of your speech and … Think of your presentation as one arching narrative. If I were you guys, I would get on a plane and go to Brazil." End your speech with an attitude, not a platitude.. Start your story at the beginning of your presentation, and promise your audience you will get back to it later. The top 27 Gadgets for Presentation / Best public speaking accessories, How to be comfortable in front of a video camera? You have just spent the better part of an afternoon of your life listening to a speaker giving a presentation on stage in front of you. This is a brilliant ending that combines many elements to engage the audience: a visual, some humor and a metaphor. Think "location, location, location"; "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"; or three-word slogans, such as "Just Do It." Listeners, especially business audiences, have a radar that quickly spots an effort to impress rather than to genuinely communicate an important message. Can you see where we are giving the negative action choice and the positive action choice in the example above? See the tip about coming full circle above. Alongside this introduction, you can include a quote that helps guide the rest of your speech. Send me an e-mail: Use a brief story or anecdote to drive a message. A provocative question. Closing a presentation with a look back at the opening message is a popular technique. Comedians do this well when they tie an earlier joke to a later one. Instead of firing off a perfunctory “thank you,” consider launching fireworks of final passionate thoughts from the podium. Rehearsing, planning and speech-writing can be incredibly effective tools for making sure your presentation is ultimately successful.eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'speakandconquer_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',140,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'speakandconquer_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',140,'0','1'])); And if your speech is not an on-the-spot kind of thing, it should be easy for you to take time to plan the entire thing. Is your audience getting lost during your big presentation? Picture yourself as part of the audience instead of the speaker. You don’t want to start something that is going to be long and drawn-out when you are trying to bring everything to a close.eval(ez_write_tag([[120,600],'speakandconquer_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_19',130,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[120,600],'speakandconquer_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_20',130,'0','1'])); In order to make this method really compelling, be sure to choose a story that is both personal and emotionally compelling. Pick it with care. 1. That is why you should make sure you always thank your audience after a presentation. Clearly define the purpose of your speech long before you even begin or end it. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,600],'speakandconquer_com-box-4','ezslot_21',153,'0','0']));The first step to planning this type of ending is to know what kind of action you want your audience to take. So, what kind of presentation are you giving? © 2020 American Express Company. But before the speaker walks off stage, they take a brief moment to thank the audience members for coming out, listening, asking questions, and staying until the very end.eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'speakandconquer_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_6',142,'0','0'])); Whether you realize it or not, this speaker has just made a connection with you. Presentation Skills Training, Author, Columnist Business Trends & Insights, Clarion Enterprises Ltd. Don't leave the ending of your presentation to chance. A closing in a presentation should be short and clear. Because when you ask a question, people are automatically compelled to think about the topic in order to give a worthwhile answer. Visual imagery is incredibly powerful to the human mind. This isn’t always possible to do (e.g. You've learned that the final PowerPoint slide design can be a powerful way to end your presentation. Or maybe you want to give a quote that you have already used on social media, in a book, in a previous presentation, or somewhere else. One common way of doing this is to give your audience two possible actions they could take, and the outcomes of each. Once you have chosen, start fleshing out your ending plan with more details. Supermodel Cameron Russell ends her talk on TED saying, "If there is a takeaway to this talk, I hope it's that we all feel more comfortable acknowledging the power of image in our perceived successes and our perceived failures." I once had a Major League Baseball player as a client, and he effectively told the following (abridged) story to end a presentation about teamwork: 10 Great Tips How to Dress for Public Speaking? Don’t force it, or it will sound awkward. If it is only used in the middle of the presentation, leave both cards down. Many good presentations include a question and answer session at some point to allow the audience to ask questions and get answers from the speaker. This creates a more powerful impact on your audience. Or, you could invest in your future today. In The Power of Video, Dr. Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist, says that a huge chunk of our brain power is devoted to processing visual images. A friend of mine was complaining the other day that his presentation was not fun for the audience. For example, a quote on optimism can come from financier George Soros: “The worse a situation becomes, the less it takes to turn it around, and the bigger the upside.” A quote on marketing can come from a contemporary businessperson: "Your culture is your brand," says Tony Hsieh, CEO of After you’ve written a draft, ask a speaking friend or trusted mentor for feedback. Switch off the timer. Let the 4-by-5 rule guide you in using words sparingly and curating only the essentials for your pitch. It's a neat way to round off your message, whilst simultaneously summing up the entire speech. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. It would not look very tasteful if you were trying to sell a product or service during a commencement speech. After this, you should be able to end your speech with confidence, and send a powerful message to your audience. Humor is an effective way to get your point across to your audience, plus it helps to end a speech on a lighter note without compromising on the message that it contains. Do you need to wrap up something that you started at the beginning? 13. No matter how good your presentation is, a lackluster ending will significantly detract from your ability to influence others. I want my readers to feel like they are getting all the information they need when they come to my blog. November 10, 2017 - Sophie Thompson. How to end a presentation. It’s similar to asking a student to write an essay, but a lot more fun! And if you have read any of my other articles, you know I’m a big fan of storytelling. Without an audience, you would be speaking to an empty room of no one but yourself. How will you know you will have enough to live on without a retirement account? Marketing and advertising executive Dietmar Dahmen ends his Create Your Own Change talk with a running clock to accompany his last statement. The most engaging presentations are easy for the audience to follow. She mentions Gandhi's quote: "You have to be the change that you want to see in the world" and adds this twist: "But the part that was missing for me was getting the courage to be the change that you want to see in the world. "  This is a smart way to personalize a quotation and make it resonate with others. A list of rolling credits. The way you begin and end a presentation or speech is very essential. First, you should give them a negative action. All rights reserved, Insights and Inspiration to Help Grow Your Business, Check for Pre-qualified Credit Card Offers, Credit Intel – Financial Education Center, 3 Things I Learned While My Plane Crashed, Presenting with Credibility: Practical Tools and Techniques for Effective Presentations. Have you ever noticed that many speakers end their presentation the same way a car runs out of gas? Maybe your call to action is to encourage them to become a customer of yours. Now, let’s jump right in!eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'speakandconquer_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',135,'0','0'])); Today, I am going to show you 13 proven tips that I have found highly effective for ending your speech in a powerful way. Presentations have a place in nearly every environment. Take a few minutes to sit down and think about the tone of your message. You'll see that there are templates for practically every purpose that you can use to launch your next presentation. Inspire Your Audience with a Quote. It cuts to the core of your central message and is one of the most memorable takeaways for today's Twitter-sized attention spans. Your life is on full display. This creates a bookend to your entire presentation and can be used to bring your audience full circle. However, you should not make this the last thing you do during a presentation. Although, yes, it’s the season for holiday gimmicks such as festive shows and productions, many presenters will tell you that one doesn’t simply chorus his way to winning an investment or donation. Pick it with care. A standard piece of advice on closing is to return to your opening. Before you speak, take the time to figure out which introduction style is most likely to appeal to your audience. Not all speakers have a personal tagline associated with them. Once you can effectively answer that question, write a brief summary ending that is based on that message. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do this. Be sure to thank them each and every time. Elaborate what might happen if they take this action. Just as it seems, the beginning of a presentation is where you attract the attention of your audience and make sure they pay rapt attention to the rest of the speech. One more thing. You can also ask a question and answer it. Consider ending your presentation sometime with a relevant cartoon to elucidate your message. Do you see where I’m going with this? Does public speaking cause you to get all teared up? Here is an example: “Let’s say that you decide not to invest in a retirement account today. Steve Jobs was known to end his presentations with "one more thing." And when I am done, you will be able to confidently give an ending to any presentation. Let the audience vote to control the flow of your presentation. Then, take a strong, confident stance. What will make your speech stand out is to end it with a focused statement, one that really grabs your listeners in unexpected ways: It can surprise, inspire or entertain them; it can touch them emotionally or engage them intellectually. Depending on your personality and the tone of your talk, this may actually be the most appropriate approach.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'speakandconquer_com-leader-3','ezslot_12',139,'0','0'])); Examples of this include if you are known for your humorous personality, or if your talk is playful and friendly instead of professional and serious. Author Chris Higgins assembled clips of every Steve Jobs "one more thing" endings. There are some proven techniques for ending a presentation, like giving your audience a call to action or using the rule of three. If you are a fan of the TED talk format, you may have noticed that most of these speakers give a killer speech without the, What do you think of when you picture yourself up on stage giving a speech? If you know me, then you know I am a big fan of planning ahead. When you end with a story, try to make it brief. he asks. This also works in reverse, as many speakers tend to go back to the beginning for their closing. Remember, the positive action choice is the action that you want your audience to take. Although some listeners are likely to tune out a summary because they've just heard what you said, provide a very brief recap, if it's warranted, but don't stop there. This tactic may take some extra planning, but it creates a very relatable experience for your listeners. In this section, I'll share my favorite template options that give you fun presentation ideas. It engages your thirst for information. If you plan on writing a quote, devote a lot of your speech-planning time to coming up with just the right one. So how can you make listeners sit up and take notice as you bring your presentation to an end? Home > Presentation Ideas > Presentation Graphics > Creative Presentation Agenda. An important part of giving any speech is making your audience feel valued. Or maybe an impromptu speech?eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'speakandconquer_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_15',143,'0','0'])); Obviously, you can see how these two types of talks have two distinctly different tones. The purpose of our 'new brain' is to override and challenge our old brain, and we do that by asking questions." If you’re still lost on how to start a presentation – this is one of the easiest ways. Don’t just assume people will figure that out on their own; it’s okay to tell them, too. This has the added benefit of keeping your audience hooked throughout your presentation, waiting for you to deliver that answer! This will keep them hooked throughout your speech, waiting for you to finish that story! 1 Use neon colors. What will your future look like after age 65? 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